The Power of the Peacock

The Power of the Peacock
"The shrill sound of the peacock's cry"

Chairman and Ground Officer 2006

Chairman and Ground Officer 2006
"I'm telling you, it's creeping red fescue."

Which causes most damage to the ground?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ground Officer’s Report 2009

Pre season work started early this year as we needed to prepare for the installation of our new electronic scoreboard. Many thanks to David Bird and Graham for their part in the construction which enabled Wendy & I to do the painting and liaise with Daktronics, we also repainted the changing room floors and installed new shower boards and runners.

The usual work day was enhanced this year by the provision of cricketforce T shirts which Steve P had obtained, there was quite a good turnout and despite the weather we managed to complete all the essential work, thanks to all who came along.

The weather was kind pre season and apart from dealing with numerous mole hills we managed to have the square and outfield looking really good for the season to start. I will not dwell on the weather in July and August but will say that the new water sopper came into its own on a couple of occasions notably one day when we removed over 20 tanks of water during the morning thus enabling a hire game to take place. Anyone who has pushed the thing will appreciate that this was very hard work!

We had 11 hire games booked and managed to play 8 of them which proved very lucrative, also a selection of tour, representative and evening games and thanks to successful reseeding of worn ends during late June the square coped well. I did receive complaints from the first X1 who apparently played better and achieved more success when playing away on “crap” pitches.

End of season work was carried out at the end of September with help from Lyndon and Wendy who has now adopted the triple mower as her second vehicle .

This brings me to the subject of servicing & maintaining our equipment the cost of which is significantly increasing year on year. I recently had to purchase a new seed/fertilizer spreader at a cost of £70 and we may need a new line marker for next season but hopefully there will be no other capital expenditure. We must ensure however that our existing equipment is maintained as well as possible in order to prolong its useful life.

We will have the usual work party pre season next year.

Paul Bachelor

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ground Officer's Report 2008

An extremely wet summer made the preparation of dry hard batting pitches very difficult especially when we do not have the benefit of covers. However perhaps the slightly inferior pitches suited both 1st & 2nd xi's as promotion was obtained! It is my intention however to continue to try to prepare excellent batting surfaces and weather permitting in 2009 we will be back on track.

I must thank my good lady Wendy for her help as although most of you would not be aware she cut the outfield for most of the season in addition to assisting me with other work when I suffered from a back problem at the latter end of the season. This problem was a real burden in late September & October when the manual work of reseeding scarifying & loaming needed to be carried out. Fortunately a few volunteers came to my rescue.

The moles are a continuing problem although they appear to be under control in certain areas. However having been around for over 100 years this is a problem we have to live with.

The scoreboard is in a dilapitated state even to the extent of being a danger and replacement is a priority for next season. However the initial estimates of in the region of £2000 for a replacement have been proved incorrect and it looks like £4000 is nearer the cost. We do of course have to have it built into the existing structure which needs major repair and this had added to the cost. I would ask that if anyone can assist the club financially with this project or know of others who may be able to help please come forward. In any event we may well need the benefit of some interest free loans for 12 months.

Finally would all members keep in mind the pre season work that will need to be carried out for 2009. We will have a work party weekend at the beginning of April and it is expected that all members will give a hand if it only be for an hour or two. The usual work of tidying up both the ground and the pavilion after the winter need to be addressed and notification on the web site or by email will be forthcoming. It could well be that each attendant will receive a "free" teashirt courtesy of Cricket Force and the ECB!

Paul Bachelor
Ground Officer

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Running aground at Horse Race Lane

Friday, May 16, 2008

Letter to parents of players in F & P junior teams:

Dear Parents,

You have to be aware that you cannot just leave the ground at the end of a game with your youngster, landing the hard pressed match manager to clear up the mess left by the teams playing (both home and away teams).

The hard pressed manager is a volunteer who has given up his/her time to organising a game for your youngster's benefit. He or she has enough to do with the logistics of getting a team of players on the ground, getting the changing rooms ready to accept the incoming team, organising umpires, scoring, watching out for youngsters misbehaving or acting dangerously, administering half-time drinks and seeing the opposition off, without also having to spend time after the game clearing out the changing rooms left in an unholy mess by the departing players.

It's lonely on your own as the light fades clearing up muck and rubbish left by the people you have done so much to help.

Why is cleaning up needed?

Why not leave the changing rooms, pavilion and front area in a muck?

Because basic human standards of decency require people to do their best to leave facilities clean and tidy ready for the next game, which is likely to be playing the next day.

To quote Paul Bachelor (Ground Officer) after a recent junior evening game:

"I spend many hours on the ground and, if I had not checked when I did, this mess would have greeted our first team and guests tomorrow."

So, Parents, think before "just dropping off" your youngster at the ground and "just collecting him/her" after the game as your tyres screech off in an early getaway.

Think once.

Think twice.

Think muck and rubbish.

Think basic human cleanliness and decency.

Yours sincerely,

Marvin Straightjacket

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Activity at the pavilion

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Friday, March 31, 2006


I have a supply of new batting gloves available for purchase within the club - prices from £10.00.

ALSO large jumpers 44" chest, long sleeved AND I believe one shirt & one cap - All in Failand & Portbury CC design - price about £40 for jumpers .

Paul Bachelor

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The season has seen more cricket played on the square than in any time in the clubs history.

The pressure that this creates with my home life is becoming greater each season. Whatever people may say I still work and the cricket club is my hobby. There are times when there are 4/5 games in a week and the hobby becomes a chore. I have seriously considered asking for help but the problem here is that different members interfering with the mowers roller etc without knowing the mechanics of each individual machine often spells trouble in the form of breakdowns etc. It is very easy to catch a stone in the blades and suddenly we are without a mower for the weekend and in addition another account for the club to pay.

It is far less trouble for one or two who know the equipment to get on with it. I have expressed these views so that the members & committee are fully aware of the problems and time involved with pitch preparation.

The outfield was regularly cut by Dick during the summer and he is aware of knowing the machine he uses and the problems if it is not carefully nursed. I think the club needs to be aware of his commitment in addition to his duties as Chairman of both the club and the selection committee. I know I have expressed it before but too many members are unaware of the unpaid work that a few members do.

My thanks to John for seeding and loaming the square at the end of the season and covering for me when I was away on the odd occasion.

Regarding equipment we have two quite old mowers which are excellent pieces of equipment and once serviced will hopefully keep going. However a warning there will come a time when we will have to dig deep for replacements or rely on grants. When I look at other similar size clubs our range of mechanical equipment is excellent but the servicing costs as the treasurer has pointed out keep going up. However it is an expense we cannot skimp on. We are fortunate to John working at Long Ashton G C having the ability to help out from time to time with equipment or time.

Following the seeding in the autumn the grass has taken well and it augurs well for next season.
I am trying to extend the practice areas on the square ie top & bottom so the mobile nets when conditions allow can be used. In this connection I would like to see the club invest in a bowling machine for use at indoor nets, our artificial net and once again when conditions allow the square itself. I will raise this matter under any other business. Another item we require is a pitch cover ie to cover the pitch itself 25X 3 metres. This could be used independently or in addition to the existing large cover which has various holes in it.

Finally I would like to thank Bernard for his effort with the hedges and keeping them tidy. I understand he would like to replace the fencing this winter and I hope members will come forward in helping in this connection.

Finally I hope everyone considers thast we have one of the best "tracks" in the area and visiting
other grounds whilst umpiring I can say it is as good if not better than many WEPL grounds.
It is for this reason alone that I am protective of the square as I would like it to be playing as well in August as it does in May. Remember it is our ground let us be proud of it and keep it in pristine condition.

Paul Bachelor

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mowing in winter

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Longtime member Norman Nuisance has been expelled from the club after refusing to do his fair share of bar duties for evening hire games (1 game), for failing to pay his subscription on time or at all, for dropping out of games repeatedly at the last minute and for leaving his unwashed jockstrap in the bar area contrary to health and safety regulations.

By order of Charles Cheesewire
Adjutant to
Marvin B Straightjacket (OBE)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

and sub-zero temperatures, Groundie reports that the that OUTFIELD has had its first cut, that the square has been trimmed and that two sessions of SPIKING have been carried out. Summer is on the way

Good work, Groundie! Is anyone going to help him in his other pre-season tasks?

Thursday, December 23, 2004

The New Year 2005 sees Groundie back from some some overseas enterprise muttering about umpiring and playing at the test arena in St. Lucia, West Indies in front of a packed house.

Is he hallucinating?

Come on, Groundie. Put your side of the story HERE.


Saturday, May 17, 2003

Californian cricket
They emerge from the ground only at night, and they eat the dead. Their humanlike heads have earned them nicknames such as "old bald-headed man" and "child of the earth." And although encountering one of these creatures of the dark can send chills up your spine, the once-demonized cricket, according to Academy research associate David Weissman, may be one of the most important insects in California.

Once thought rare and insignificant, crickets, Weissman has discovered, are a vital part of many ecosystems. They give life to the night, forming the foundation of food chains across California. Bats, skunks, and foxes are among the many nocturnal animals that feast on the plump, 5- to 10-gram insects. While underground, where the crickets spend most of their lives, they gnaw at plant roots and dead animals, helping to aerate soils and recycle nutrients.

Crickets can be found under rocks and in sandy soils throughout the western half of the United States, and from British Columbia to Panama. But they are the most diverse in California where, Weissman says, "they can literally be found by the hundreds."

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Nasty shock in the showers? Been using the rubber glove? No more worries! Groundie reports fixing of electrics by former player Richard Goodliffe. Practice of sending opposition in first and following with the rubber glove to cease!

Friday, May 02, 2003

What about the tea and bar rotas??


The progress made has been:

  • Jamie & Steve Fear & Ian Schroeter have painted parts of outside of pavilion, scorebox & floor in changing room corridor & WC area.
  • Steve Pursey is finishing off the tiled (carpet) floor in the changing rooms.
  • Will & Ed Humphreys put up the 2 nets.
  • Bob Andrews is doing the downpipes.
  • Lyndon Prendergast has done the first aid box.
  • Dick Whittington & John Skinner did the sightscreens.
  • Wendy Bachelor & Margaret Whittington did the kitchen & lounge area.
  • Bob Sheppard has done the bar area & stocked it.
  • New benches to be erected by John Bachelor.
  • Matt Meredith has volunteered for cutting outfield every Friday.
  • I have weed-killed in places, done the square & cleaned showers & loos.

Jobs to be done are:-

  • Cleaning out the boundary marker.
  • Picking up twigs under trees near road.
  • Boundary borders do not need cutting yet & when they are done please do not chop back daffodils until they have died off.

Paul Bachelor
Ground Officer


1. Repair catch on bar door
2. Repair catch on store room
3. Look out for table top freezer & fridge for bar
4. Clean kitchen
5. Clean pavilion & carpet
6. Clean bar area
7. Clean ladies toilet
8. Clean ventaxia in kitchen


1. Repaint scorebox & end wall by garage
2. Wash external paintwork
3. Clean windows
4. Repaint changing room window frame onto car park
5. Downpipe repair/replace by car park & by scorebox
6. Weedkill & maintain & roll artificial strip
7. Weedkill car park
8. Build more seats for boundary (3)
9. Wood preserve bench & seats
10. Re-erect nets portable & fixed
11. Sightscreen covers to be fitted & erected
12. Patio area clean & weed kill
13. Fence by conifers to be repaired
14. Trim large poplars by road & trim oak tree near nets


1. Lay carpet tiles
2. Clean showers
3. Clean changing rooms
4. Clean gents toilet & urinals
5. Paint floor corridor & toilet area
6. Check first aid boxes

Co-ordinator is Paul Bachelor on 01275 844572 or email .

Let him know that you will be there!

This is the Ground Officer's page

The 2003 incumbent (or is it recumbent?) is Paul Bachelor and news from him will appear here shortly. No doubt it will be some tedious writings about earthworm casts, the height of his mower blades, rabbit droppings, creeping red fescue and the like.

Charlie Cheesewire

See-through peacock

Get In Touch (GIT)!

Your contact details
George Humphreys is compiling a comprehensive list of current phone numbers and email addresses for club players, potential players and club contacts.

Make his job so much easier by emailing him on
with the words:

"George, Here's my email address and my phone numbers are (0000) 000 000 and (0000) 000 000".

To make it the real deal, add your name at the end!